Tag Archives: new years eve

Scrabble Saturday – Obstreperous

Happy New Years everyone! I know it’s technically Sunday, but some days I don’t get around to writing before work, so the post has to come after work. Throw in the fact that tonight was New Years Eve and I played DD for my friends and… well, you get a late post. I’m sorry.

Anyway. Today’s word, due to the obstreperous drunkards I drove home, is – you guessed it – obstreperous.

Obstreperous is an adjective meaning “noisy, clamorous, or boisterous” as in: The obstreperous girls would not stop screaming the entire drive to the next house they wanted to be dropped off at.

It can also mean “resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner; unruly” as in: When we had to fit five people in each car, the obstreperous group would not listen to seating instructions.

So. That’s the word for today. Now, as it is … Holy crap. 5 am, and I need to be up in less than 5 hours… I’m going to sleep. But I wanted to keep to my post a day as best I could. So… goodnight!


PS I had a fantastic New Years, regardless of not getting home from work until 11:59:02, getting kicked out of a party by the house owner’s mother (who lives in california and was visiting), driving around obstreperous people for a half hour of my life I will never get back, and everything else. It was a good night 🙂 How was yours?